Modelling Christ, Messengers of the Gospel, Moulding culture.

By Yaira Cancino

How do you identify your Frontline?

I remember the day I was elected as president of the Christian effort in my local church. When we took the oath we proclaimed: For Christ and for His church! It was a great statement to make, considering we were around fifteen to twenty years old. However, there was a wonderful truth lying behind that oath: there’s no age, no gender, no profession, or occupation more worthy or less useful in the hands of the Lord. We were on the frontline! But how do you identify your frontline? I have to be honest, usually, I have neglected or ignored some frontlines I’ve had just in front of me. Sometimes I don’t see myself as a fruitful person, but that’s when the Lord challenges me in many ways, to remember me, I can be fruitful. This is not only for me, but, we can also be fruitful!

As we were reflecting on the 6MS of giving fruit, I’ve been not only challenged but moved to reconsider where I have failed, and where I have neglected apparently small or insignificant ways to be fruitful. I would like to bring back one phrase I cherished as I watched the prep video, I will paraphrase it:

Sometimes we prioritise speaking at events than speaking to our neighbours. Making a name for ourself is not more important than being a witness.

I particularly loved that there are many ways in which we are disciples and witnesses of Jesus.

Rediscovering my Frontline

For my challenge I would like to share with you an area that has been neglected in the country where I am from, and that I believed was my frontline, but also a massive truth I’ve ignored.

Some people have thought that massive or public evangelism is something that works, but not here. It works in foreign countries, but not in our own land. Not in our universities, not in our institutions. That has been hugely overseen as a way of being fruitful in Mexico. Over the last seven years, I have been focused on encouraging people inside ministries and students, people who live far away from me, or giving resources to churches. I praise God for that opportunity but... But what about me? Am I neglecting a massive truth too?

This frontlines challenge made me reflect on the many areas that would be involved in bringing the truth of the Gospel, not only to universities and institutions, but also to my neighbourhood, in my closer frontline. I think each M can be fully applied to consider the full body of Christ, all students, all staff workers, all people involved, people from churches. But not only there. The full body of Christ, no matter our age, gender, profession, or occupation, we can be fruitful! I think now from the role of a housewife, while expecting my first baby, working from home, but still fruitful. Many won’t be in the stage, maybe I won’t be in the stage, and that’s ok! We can be fruitful if we focus in our walk with the Lord and the way we reflect that in our daily lives. The idea of evangelism as purely evangelistic events, versus, having a daily life of surrendering all we are to the Lord. The whole message of the Gospel is that He is calling everybody to Him, have I seen everybody?

Loving earnestly from a pure heart

“Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God; for “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls,
but the word of the Lord remains forever.” And this word is the good news that was preached to you”. 1 Peter 1:22-25 ESV

I must acknowledge that sometimes I am not as intentional as I could be. Sometimes I ‘ve forgotten that I am reflecting Jesus even at taking the risk of talking longer chats than usual, to get to know them. I haven’t prayed as much as I could for my neighbours, for people close to me. Maybe you have felt that way, and what is really encouraging is that we can always come to the Lord to put ourselves in His hands and say: Please, make me more like you. Help me to love people and see them as you do.

As I say sorry for ignoring my closer frontline, I am also encouraged and excited. I trust God will give us confidence when people ask about our faith, our family, or our lives. It is a privilege being part of what God is doing in people’s lives. Thank you, Lord!

And why not starting with a gift? In my challenge I am printing small leaflets for my neighbours and giving them something sweet (still thinking what it might be, as we do not have hot cross buns, or any traditions related to the Passover). I have met some of them in the past. Most of them are much older than me, very serious and I don’t know how to approach them. I truly believe that God gave us the opportunity to be neighbours for a major reason than just smiling at each other. And as we build friendly and honest relations, I know God will give us opportunities to share more than a smile, the Gospel!


Sports and Evangelism


Modelling Godly character