Wreath making events that speak of Jesus

How to run a Wreath making event for young people

by Kate Parker

We have run a wreath event for a number of years, so are established with making the wreaths. This event provides a craft afternoon for young people years 3 upwards to come to with an adult (e.g. parent, friend, extended family member, Godparent).

The ‘crafternoon’ consisted of 5 crafts and the wreath making, using leftover materials from the womens event (run the previous evening), and soaked wreath rings (enough for every young person to make one if they wished). Full instructions and kit list for oasis rings are on the blog.

Table leaders assisted with making the wreath. Young people worked with their adult to make it as a traditional hung wreath, or a table decoration (i.e. tighter foliage, no ribbon, and could be placed on a plate on a table to protect against water damage.)

A brief safety talk was given at the beginning (particularly for us around glue guns and secateurs), and the adults who had brought young people were responsible for them.

Some children’s gardening gloves were supplied, for those who are more sensitive.

Makes sure you have a first aid kit to hand.

Crafts – An instruction booklet is linked on this blog. Each table leader was requested to come early to practice. Where possible, the instructions and supplies were given in advance of the event.

Some of the crafts used supplies that church members will already own (e.g. glue guns, biscuit cutters, nail varnish). To keep costs low try to ask around and label borrowed things so they can go back again.

Air drying clay crafts – require plastic party bags to take home. Instructions to remove when home to dry.

Icing crafts – Cupcake boxes to prevent damage on way home

How to run a Wreath making event for Adults by Kelly Sargent and Bonnie Hall (coming soon)

Everything you need to run a Christmas Wreath Night

by Kate Parker

Oasis Rings – Naylorbase. We buy 10” in packs of 12, usually from Amazon. 2024 cost approx. £36 for 12 (£3 each).

Once soaked, they have to be used or binned.

Before being soaked they last for years.

We soak them up to 2 days before (in a bath!!). And then leave them to drain on their sides so they’re not soaking wet. Have plenty of large bags for people to put them on for the way home.

Have large tarpaulins for the foliage on the night. And some hippo bags or similar for moving it to and from your venue.

We ask people on booking if they have a pair of seceteurs and ask them to bring them if they do. We have a number of people who bring multiple pairs and every year I use some of the little profit to get a couple more pairs. The church now owns about 10 pairs (our capacity for the event is approx. 50). The event is most enjoyable if people have a pair each.

From nature!

Pine Cones – most dried left as they are. We spray some with gold or silver in advance (try poundland for spray).

Collected foliage – can be collected 1-10 days prior and then kept in a garage (cool and dry). We typically cut most of ours the weekend prior to the event.

We collect the majority of ours from a local private school. We cut overgrowing yew hedges, evergreen trees, ivy and holly with berries.

Also from gardens – Request church to drop off to someone with a garage (to keep it dry and cool). Rosemary, variegated evergreen, holly with berries, variegated ivy.

Purchased foliage

Heather plants – Purchase a few. Plant the remaining and if you’re lucky you can dig it up the next year!

Eucalyptus – Have purchased some years. Approx £1 a stick, so is costly.

Christmas trees – The past few years we’ve purchased 2 Christmas trees from e.g. Lidl (approx. £15 each) and then hacked it up. The needles tend to be ‘bulkier’ on these so a little goes a long way.

From Ebay/Amazon – Buy in bulk, excess will last.

Hanging Ribbon - Multiple colours. 1.5m per person required. 15mm width

Cinnamon sticks

Dried Orange Slices

Fake berries

Fake gold berries

Fake silver berries

Metal ties – we buy 22 gauge 7” length

Paper bags and white tags

Tracts (to go in bags) – from Good book or 10ofthose. All can be read online prior to purchase.

Poundland – or similar



Spray (for pine cones)


Decorating paper - to go over the tables that have bags, and accessories on.


Do whatever suits your team size, capabilities and your venue. Be as generous as you can. Mini mince pies are good, as they’ll be cold. Make sure your food is nut free. Ask about dietary requirements on your booking form. We stick now to prepackaged food for simplicity of food quality and allergies.


We have non alcoholic wine, mulled apple and orange juice. Don’t forget to slice some oranges.

Wine glasses. Look into supermarket hire if your church doesn’t have them.

Heat and serve from slow cookers.

Mulled apple - 10 litres

For each 1 litre:

1 litre apple juice

1 cinammon stick

9 cloves

1 orange peeled with peeler. Peel only, no pith if possible!

1/2 tea spoon mixed spice.

All in pan, heat for 30-40 mins lowest heat once brought to nearly boil. Lid on. Taste.

Strain and bottle (or leave to sit with heat off)

Ideas for invites

Extra bits


Dorothy Ripley


Susannah Wesley